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ER 014 Lullabies After Storms and Floods

Parade is an experimental pop-rock trio based out of Toronto, Ontario and featuring Stefan Hegerat (drums, compositions), Chris Pruden (synthesizers) and Laura Swankey (voice, electronics). Drawing on their diverse backgrounds in jazz, classical, and electronic music, the trio pushes the boundaries of genre and form by blurring the lines between improvisation and composition.


Lullabies After Storms and Floods, was largely inspired by Stefan’s experiences as a grassroots organizer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Witnessing the failures of government to protect our most vulnerable neighbors radicalized his artistic practice and mobilized him to join the struggle for collective liberation. The music tells the story of an awakening. First there is the discovery of the harsh realities of the systems that oppress us. Next there is acknowledgement that we are strongest together (no one is free until all of us are free), that we can’t fear change and that being human is about feeling love. The album ends with optimism. There are serious existential threats but we can and must build towards a better future.

Happenings & Happened